I realize those were the words of man who got his 15 minutes by getting a DUI in a Hyundai. However, they ring true today in our political arena. I am a registered Republican, which to the Democrats, means I am now a Tea-Party psycho who is a racist, homophobic, government hating, big business loving, tree killing polluter. I am not! Just as most Democrats are not, tree hugging, communist, homosexual, Obama loving leftists.
So whats the point? The point is we need to table this party BS and work together on the problems that face this country today, and in the future! I read a lot of news articles online. At the end of the articles, there is a spot for comments. The hatred and vile comments made by members of both parties makes me cringe for the future of our nation. How on earth can we ever fix any problems by calling each other Tea-Baggers, and Communist Left Wingers. WE CAN'T!!
Wake up America!! Our country has serious problems, but degrading each other, and bringing each others parties past mistakes and discrepancies will not solve them. We need a dialogue that is filled with intelligent people calmly discussing issues and how to fix them.
How do we do this, you may ask? I don't have the answer, but the Editors and people at Esquire magazine might. In the October issue they brought together a bi-partisan group of former Senators and asked them to balance the budget by 2020.
Comprised of esteemed former Senators Bill Bradley, Bob Packwood, Gary Hart, and John Danforth, and chaired by MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell
Read more: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/balance-federal-budget-101310#ixzz12uYIcuN8
Read the article, these men aren't running for re-election, which allows them to make choices with no "political " backlash. Are the perfect, probably not, but I think they came up with a viable plan, that if ever actually put in place, may have worked.
The point is this. If five men can do this in 3 days, what is wrong with our Congress. POLITICS is what is wrong.
Do I agree with everything in the article, NO. Am I willing to compromise to make our Country great again, YES.
No one group is ever going to get everything they want, but as a society we need to learn that its not just about us, its about our families, friends, neighbors, and the people of our States and our Country.
I am going to start topics for debate here on this blog. Topics that ask tough questions. Maybe if we all join in a calm discussion we could come up with viable ideas, that can be passed on to Senators and Congresspeople. I welcome anyone to participate in these discussions, I don't care what party, what color, religion, sex or whatever.
The only caveat, is that any comment, involving any derogatory language, or things that veer of topic, will be deleted.
Good luck to us all! We will surely need it!
The Middle American
Nicely done, my friend!